Your White Privilege

by Rha Arayal


i don’t think

it’s a nice phrase.

it’s used by us,

the POC as you say,

to call out

your foul play-

very much to your

petty dismay.


we don’t even 

ask for you to pay-

just to listen to what 

we have to say.


you use the hashtag,

upload the black snap,

but you 




don’t say to me

“well you’re not black”


well, i’m not white 



you have called me

an “exotic” creature

rubbing your hands

together like a



you have made us

the underachievers

you snicker and say

“we’re employing cleaners”


beneath the weight

of the “economy”

i too have said

“i can’t breathe”


your glossed over

eyes and

crumpled face

look like perfect origami,

brimming with grace.


if you can overlook

George’s story

without being shook-

if you can say

“black lives matter”

without a falter-

from the pain

that remains

in those three



then your white privilege 

goddamn shows.


Under the Porchlight

Under the Porchlight

The Point of it Being

The Point of it Being