Just in Case

Just in Case


by Eloise Klein Healy

Art by Christoph Black

I had to learn to remember I had always loved you, and something I’ve remembered about you is now about me, too.

The one small line I kept missing I thought my words were fine. The language I was speaking was wrong, but you gave me everything to save me, keep me.

I spoke sideways, hedged my meanings, my brain no longer working. Learning was what I worked with: daily walking, smiling, laughing, trying.

My findable nouns and verbs practiced language to get my “messages.” Walk every day, wake early.

Even what I missed before, I love you still.

Remembering everything more.

Christoph Black, A View From Behind; acrylic paint, black acrylic gloss on acrylic art board.


Days of 1978

Love Interpretations